The Edges in the Middle, VII: Báyò Akómoláfé, Sa’ed Atshan, Cecilie Surasky

Bayo, Cecile, and Sa’ed explore how honoring each other’s grief may allow us to reclaim each other’s humanity and perhaps shed light on a path forward to belonging in Israel-Palestine, for Muslims, Jews, and Christians, and for all people around the world.

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BETTY MARTIN on the Language of Consent /358

Betty give listeners insight into what she calls “The Wheel of Consent,” and reminds us that access is a gift. No one is born with the knowledge of how to give and receive in the “perfect” way, rather we must learn and feel together.

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KURT RUSSO on a Prayer of Mourning /357

Kurt shares guided wisdom about the realities of commodification, ecocide, and the capacity of the human soul for intentional cruelty. How we fight against such darkness matters not just for humanity, but for all with whom we share this precious earth. 

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ERIN MANNING on the Choreography of Neurodiversity /356

Erin describes her understanding of modalities of being, explaining that neurotypicality is a system that undergirds our ways of knowing and our ways of being a body. There is no singular “neurotypical person” just as there is no singular “neurodiverse” person.

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FARIHA RÓISÍN on the Courage of Listening to Our Bodies /354

Róisín offers both timely and timeless wisdom on what it means to live in a body that has experienced trauma. This is a conversation that bears witness to the deep terror and distress of the world and still charges forward with undying compassion and care of wild survival. 

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PERDITA FINN on the Long Story of Our Souls /353

Following ecology, not theology, Perdita calls us to think about the ecological equation – the reality of bodies feeding other bodies, of death opening a portal to another life. This is a reality that animals, plants, and all our more-than-human kin know well. How can we tap into their earthly wisdom?

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JACQUELINE SUSKIN on The Poetry of Seasons /352

Detailing her ongoing connection to the earth and the wonder she feels about humanity's place within and as a part of nature, Jacqueline details the way our rhythms are drawn from those of the earth.

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OBI KAUFMANN on the Ecotone of Art and Science /351

Discussing his signature field atlases, Obi shares a longing to understand the whole of a place – not just the marquee places, but the systems and interconnections that keep the earth pulsing with life and shares how a simple question can crack open the complexity of life on earth.

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JASON BALDES on Buffalo and Land Rematriation /350

Jason offers his deep wisdom about the ecological, spiritual, and cultural importance of buffalo, detailing the health benefits of eating buffalo, the ecological benefits of their migration and grazing, and the healing benefits of connection to these animals. 

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The Edges in the Middle, VI: Báyò Akómoláfé, Madhulika Banerjee, and Minna Salami

Envisioning other ways of creating democracy,  Báyò, Madhulika, and Minna describe festival democracy, democracies of contestations and dancing, and democracies of the more-than-human.

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STEPHEN JENKINSON on a Lucid Reckoning /349

Ayana and Stephen contemplate vital questions about the value of tradition, the importance of strangerhood, the possibility of reckoning, and the meaning of ancestry. Stephen’s questions disrupt and unsettle the status quo, and perhaps lead us to the lessons we so deeply need.

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ABDOUMALIQ SIMONE on Urban Entanglements /348

Ayana and AbdouMaliq meditate on how the design of our environments shapes us. Considering how to make marginalized places and groups more visible but not more vulnerable, AbdouMaliq offers a nuanced perspective of the “global majority.”

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ANDREA GIBSON on the Blessings of the Wound /347

As Andrea shares their journey connecting to the eternal, genderless “We,” they invite listeners to contemplate their identities beyond this life alone. As we let the need to know fall away, what miracles might reveal themselves to us? 

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KATRINA SPADE on New Life from Death /346

Death is a process of decomposition, how can we come to embrace this reality? Katrina joins Ayana to discuss the possibilities of burial practices, ways to connect with death, and the value in thoughtful death plans. The way we design death rituals matters in how connected we feel to the process of death. 

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KURT RUSSO on the People Under the Sea [ENCORE] /345

We are honored to once again share this episode with you as a profound reminder of the place we share with the qwe 'lhol mechen, their capacity for memory, grief, and love, and the many ways that the Lummi Nation continues to protect, defend, and restore the Salish Sea.

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KEIARA WADE on Generations of Black Cowboys /344

Keiara shares her journey with the Compton Cowboys and her experiences as a Black cowgirl. The respect and accountability necessary for a good relationship with a horse is also necessary for a good relationship with each other. How might animals be our guides and companions in making the world more equitable? 

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JAMES BRIDLE on Modes of Intelligence /343

Bringing a rich background of research on forms of intelligence, from artificial to mycelial, James posits that it is a critical failure to use human intelligence as the benchmark for all forms of knowing.

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TOKO-PA TURNER on Dreams of Belonging /342

Toko-pa considers the ways we may rehabilitate our imaginative capacities and encourages us to take time and pay attention to dreams. What is internally guiding us towards our potential? Connection to ourselves, to nature, and to each other are intertwined.

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