VANDANA SHIVA on the Emancipation of Seed, Water and Women /26
Does wild nature have a place in the future of farms and human society? How close to the edge of genetic unraveling will we come before stopping biotech pollution and safeguarding seed diversity?
Dr. Vandana Shiva
Dr. Vandana Shiva is a world-renowned environmental thinker and activist. A leader in the International Forum on Globalization, Shiva won the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize (the Right Livelihood Award) in 1993. Director of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Natural Resource Policy, she is the author of many books, including Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply and Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge. Before becoming an activist, she was one of India’s leading Physicists.
♫ Music includes "Strange From of Life" by Bonnie Prince Billy, "At This Point In My Life" by Tracy Chapman, and “Naam Bina Kachhu Na Miley” Bhajan (Ramagri) by Hermant Chauhan
For The Wild is a slow media organization dedicated to land-based protection, co-liberation, and intersectional storytelling. We are rooted in a paradigm shift away from human supremacy, endless growth, and consumerism. As we dream towards a world of grounded justice and reciprocity, our work highlights impactful stories and deeply-felt meaning making as balms for these times.