Posts in Transcripts
Transcript: SII-AM HAMILTON on Respect-Based Futures [ENCORE] /279
Transcript: CORRINA GOULD on Settler Responsibility and Reciprocity [ENCORE] /277
Transcript: ELLA NOAH BANCROFT on the Intelligence of Our Intimacy [ENCORE] /276
Transcript: MIKE PHILLIPS on Gray Wolves and the Vitality of Death [ENCORE] /275
Transcript: BRONTË VELEZ on the Pleasurable Surrender of White Supremacy, Part 1 [ENCORE]/273
Transcript: DR. KATE STAFFORD on What the Whales Hear [ENCORE] /272
Transcript: CHRIS HEDGES on Deflating the Ruling Elite through Civil Disobedience [ENCORE] /271
Transcript: DONNA HARAWAY on Staying with the Trouble [ENCORE] /269
Transcript: VIJAY PRASHAD on Capitalism's Erosion of Morality [ENCORE] /268
Transcript: TRICIA HERSEY on Rest as Resistance [ENCORE] /267
Transcript: CHIARA FRANCESCA on Embodied Care /266
Transcript: SHA’MIRA COVINGTON on Healing the Fashion Industrial Complex /265
Transcript: MARCELLA KROLL on the Magic of Neurodiverse Futurisms /263
TRANSCRIPT: ANTONIO LÓPEZ on the Colonization of Our Attention /261
Transcript: NIRIA ALICIA on Pockets of Joy in the Resistance /260