Transcript: BATHSHEBA DEMUTH on a More-than-Human History /264 TranscriptsErica EkremDecember 15, 2021Bathsheba Demuth, Environmental History, Historian, Bathsheba Demuth Floating Coast, Communism, Capitalism, USSR, Whales, Bowhead Whales, Mining, Hunting, Whaling, History, Coal, Arctic, Bering Strait, Apocalypse, Yupik, Iñupiat, Chukchi, Russia, Consumption, Energy, Colonization, Bathsheba Demuth Brown University, Ways of Knowing, EcologyComment
Transcript: Dr. NATASHA MYERS on Growing the Planthroposcene /204 TranscriptsErica EkremOctober 14, 2020Ecology, Restoration Ecology, Becoming Sensor, Anthropocene, Planthropocene, Toronto, Indigenous Land Stewardship Circle, Botany, Sustainability, Green Technology, Meditation, High Park, Urban Forestry, Eco-Philosophy, Oak Savannahs, Nature, Apocalypse, Apocalypse Imaginary, Natasha, Myers, Natasha MyersComment