Transcript: VEDA AUSTIN on Water as Source /317 TranscriptsErica EkremDecember 28, 2022Veda Austin, Veda Austin Water, Veda Austin The Secret Intelligence of Water, Water Research, Ice Crystals, Hydroglyphs, Veda Austin Healing, Water Healing, Liquid Intelligence, Consciousness, Science, Art, Gerald H. Pollack, The Water Cycle, The Fourth Stage of Water, veda, austin, veda austinComment
Transcript: DR. PATRICIA KAISHIAN on Queer Mycology /262 TranscriptsErica EkremDecember 1, 2021Dr. Patricia Kaishian, Mycology, Queer, LGBTQ, Mushrooms, Foraging, Science, Ways of Knowing, Queer Science, Biodiversity, Binary-Breaking, Armenian, Queer Ecologies, Mushroom at the End of the World, Anna Tsing, Conservation, Purdue, SUNY, Queer Theory, Mycellium, Academia, Linneaus, Inquiry, Congress of Armenian MycologistsComment