TRANSCRIPT: ANTONIO LÓPEZ on the Colonization of Our Attention /261 TranscriptsErica EkremNovember 24, 2021Antonio López, ecomedia, Mediacology: A Multicultural Approach to Media Literacy in the 21st Century, The Media Ecosystem: What Ecology Can Teach Us About Responsible Media Practice, Greening Media Education: Bridging Media Literacy with Green Cultural Citizenship, Ecomedia Literacy: Integrating Ecology into Media Education, Communications and Media Studies, mass media, Information and Communications Technology, digital information, environmental impacts of the cloud, ecological footprint of media, the ecological footprint of technology, conflict minerals, the internet of things, e-waste, the global cloud, AI, data mining, platform capitalism, petro masculinity, fossil fuel industry and media, slow media, decomputerizationComment
Transcript: NIRIA ALICIA on Pockets of Joy in the Resistance /260 TranscriptsErica EkremNovember 17, 2021Niria Alicia, Niria Alicia Garcia, Emerging Leader Award’ from GreenLatino, North American Association for Environmental Education, Young Champion of the Earth for North America SustainUS, climate justice, environmental justice, climate activist United States, Alameda fires Oregon, Alameda Fires Latinx Recovery Fund, Alameda Fire Update, Climate Change Pacific Northwest, COP26, Run4Salmon, Run For Salmon, NAAEE, migrant justice United States, Chicana activistsComment
Transcript: Dr. RUPA MARYA and RAJ PATEL on Deep Medicine /259 TranscriptsErica EkremNovember 10, 2021Raj Patel, Dr. Rupa Marya, Rupa Marya, Raj Patel Inflamed, Ral Patel Austin, Raj Patel Stuffed and Starved, Raj Patel MD, Raj Patel books, Raj Patel agroecology, Rupa Marya book, Rupa Marya MD, Rupa Marya Inflamed, Rupa Marya UCSF, Rupa Marya and the April Fishes, chronic inflammation, chronic inflammatory disease list, chronic inflammatory disease definition, health and colonialism, global health and colonialism, public health and colonialism, health under colonialism, history of medicine, Deep Medicine Circle, Association of Ramaytush Ohlone, he Ants and the Grasshopper, Inflamed book, Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice, health justice, health injusticeComment
Transcript: KERRY KNUDSEN on Lichen and Life after Capitalism [ENCORE] /258 TranscriptsErica EkremNovember 3, 2021Kerry Kent Knudsen, Kerry Knudsen, Lichens of North America, lichen and moss, lichen and limestone, lichen adaptations in temperate deciduous forest, lichenification, lichen herbarium at the University of California at Riverside, Acarosporales, lichenologist, Jana Kocourkov, Southern California lichen, endangered plants, Kerry Knudsen lichenologistComment
Transcript: Chris Zimmer on a River Ethic /257 TranscriptsErica EkremOctober 27, 2021Chris Zimmer, Rivers Without Borders, Salmon, Acid Mine Drainage, Taku River System, Alaska, British Columbia, River Cleanup, Fish, Watersheds, Transboundary Rivers, Canada, Downstream Politics, Teck Mining, Tulsequah Chief, Mining, Gold, Silver, Copper, Coal, Ethic, Water Protectors, Green Energy, Toxins, Environmental Regulation, Green New Deal, FishingComment
Transcript: SAMUEL GENSAW III on the Restorative Revolution /256 TranscriptsErica EkremOctober 20, 2021Samuel Gensaw, Samuel Gensaw III, Ancestral Guard, Gather film, Gather film netflix, Yurok tribe facts, Yurok tribe, Klamath River California, Klamath River basin, Klamath River dam removal, Klamath River salmon, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, UC Davis Yurok, California water, California drought, Indigenous sovereignty United States, Indigenous sovereignty movements, Nature Rights Council, Sanjay Rawal, food justice, food sovereignty, victory gardens, Yurok food sovereigntyComment
Transcript: DALLAS GOLDTOOTH on Responding to Toxic Masculinity [ENCORE] / 255 TranscriptsErica EkremOctober 13, 2021Dallas Goldtooth, Dallas Goldtooth actor, Dallas Goldtooth reservation dogs, Dallas Goldtooth movies, Dallas Goldtooth Indigenous Environmental Network, toxic masculinity, toxic masculinity quotes, toxic masculinity and gender roles, toxic masculinity articles, toxic masculinity and feminism, podcast about patriarchy, patriarchy definition, patriarchy examples, patriarchy vs matriarchy, patriarchy and feminism, patriarchy and capitalism, patriarchy and colonialismComment
Transcript: JOSEFINA SKERK on Sámi Lifeways /254 TranscriptsErica EkremOctober 6, 2021Josefina Skerk, Josefina Skerk sametinget, Sami, Sami people, Sami Sweden history, Samie Sweden language, Sweden Sami rights, Sami Sweden discrimination, Sweden climate change policy, Sweden climate change effects, Sweden climate change action, Sweden climate change problems, Sweden climate change strategy, Sweden mining, Sweden mining industry, Sweden uranium mining ban, Sapmi map, Scandinavian Indigenous peoples, reindeers and climate change, Norway mining, Sijti JarngeComment
Transcript: VALARIE KAUR on the Ancient Call to Love /253 TranscriptsErica EkremSeptember 29, 2021Valarie Kaur, Valarie Kaur ted talk, Valarie Kaur revolutionary love, Valarie Kaur book, Valarie Kaur quotes, Valarie Kaur bio, Valarie Kaur documentary, Valarie Kaur instagram, Valarie Kaur breathe and push, Valarie Kaur sikh prayer for america, Revolutionary Love Project, Groundswell Movement, Faithful Internet, Yale Visual Law Project, Sikh activism, Sikhism religion, Sikhism founder, Sikh news, Sikh America, See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love, See No Stranger, See No Stranger review, See No Stranger amazon, See No Stranger quotes, See No Stranger summary, See No Stranger goodreads, See No Stranger pdf, See No Stranger audio, Guru NanakComment
Transcript: RUTH ŁCHAV'AYA K'ISEN MILLER on Relations of Reciprocity /252 TranscriptsErica EkremSeptember 22, 2021Ruth Łchav'aya K'isen Miller, Ruth Miller Alaska, Bristol Bay Alaska, Bristol Bay Salmon Run, Pebble Mine Alaska, Pebble Mine News, Pebble Mine News 2021, Native Movement, Native Movement staff, Native Movement facebook, Native Movement Alaska, Defend the Sacred Alaska, just transition framework, just transition examples, just transition definition, just transition principles, just transition ak, just transition and climate change, the green new deal, the green new deal 2021, climate change policy, climate change politics, the green new deal definition, climate policy initiative, climate policy jobs, climate policy news, climate policy analysis, UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, UN Youth Climate Summit, colonization in Alaska, Department of the Interior secretary, Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior definition, Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management, Deb Haaland Department of the InteriorComment
Transcript: WOMAN STANDS SHINING (Pat McCabe) on Humanity's Homecoming /251 TranscriptsErica EkremSeptember 15, 2021Pat McCabe podcast, Pat McCabe water, Woman Stands Shining (Pat McCabe), Woman Stands Shining, Lyla June Johnston, Hoop of Life, archetype wound, archetypal wounding, sacred masculinity, sacred femininity, men’s nation, women’s nation, all nations rise, archetype wounded healer, Indigenous sovereignty meaning, Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination, Indigenous sovereignty movement, Diné, Navajo, thriving life paradigm, Jeremy Lent, Jeremy Lent web of meaning, Jeremy Lent the patterning instinct, prophecyComment
Transcript: THEA RIOFRANCOS on Planetary Perspectives of Green Energy /250 TranscriptsErica EkremSeptember 8, 2021Thea Riofrancos, Resource Radicals, Thea Riofrancos green new deal, a green new deal, green new deal pros and cons, green new deal problems, green new deal for europe, green energy solutions, green energy, cleen energy problems, green energy problems, lithium mining environmental impact, lithium mining and the environment, why we need a green new deal, a planet to win, green capitalism, resource extraction, post-extractivism, extractivism, mining Chile, resource extraction economy, resource extraction and climate change, resource extraction and conflict in Latin America, pink tideComment
Transcript: LIL MILAGRO HENRIQUEZ-CORNEJO on Climate Resilience Rooted in Ancestry /249 TranscriptsErica EkremSeptember 1, 2021Lil Milagro Henriquez, Lil Milagro Henriquez-Cornejo, Mycelium Youth Network, Women’s Earth Alliance fellowship, STEAM, STEM, climate solutions, climate education in schools, climate education curriculum, climate education resources, climate change and education, climate change education act, climate change and education for sustainable development, climate change youth activism, climate change youth organizations, climate change youth action, youth futurism, STEAM curriculum, science technology engineering the arts and mathematics, traditional ecological knowledge, TEK, ancestral knowledge, BIPOC futurism, Preparing People on the West Coast for Climate Change Recommendations for Making Psychological & Psycho-Social-Spiritual Resilience Education and Skills Training for Climate Adversities Universal in California and the Pacific Northwest by 2025, international transformational resilience coalitionComment
Transcript: QUEEN QUET on the Survival of Sea Island Wisdom [ENCORE] /248 TranscriptsErica EkremAugust 25, 2021Queen Quet, Queen Quet Marquetta Goodwine, Gullah Geechee people, Gullah Geechee history, Gullah Geechee Nation, Hilton Head Hotels, Hilton Head history, Hilton Head airbnb, Hilton Head activities, exploitative tourism, extractive tourism, gentrification North Carolina, gentrification South Carolina, climate change and development, climate change effects North Carolina, the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition, climate and coastal resiliency, Black land ownership, Charles Frazier, Gullah Geechee Storm Rebuilding Fund, heirs property Hilton Head, heirs property South CarolinaComment
Transcript: ANDREA BALLESTERO on a Future History of Water /247 TranscriptsErica EkremAugust 18, 2021Andrea Ballestero, Andrea Ballestero A Future History of Water, water privatization, water privatization in Bolivia, water privatization pros and cons, water privatization in the United States, water privatization examples, water privatization in developing countries, water privatization in Chile, water commodity trading, water commodity futures, water as commodity, water as a commodity or human right, water wars documentary, water wars book, water wars Bolivia, water wars are coming, water wars are coming to the americas, water wars article, the human right to water, The Anthropology of WaterComment
Transcript: GUY RITANI AND TOAD ANDREW DELL on Queering Permaculture /246 TranscriptsErica EkremAugust 11, 2021Guy Ritani, Toad Andrew Dell, PermaQueer, PermaQueer TEDX, permaculture definition, permaculture design, permaculture principles, permaculture design course, permaculture books, permaculture perspective, permaculture benefits, permaculture criticism, permaculture community, permaculture queer lens, queer ecology, queer ecology examples, queer ecology podcast, queer ecology climate change, Maura Gamble, Rosemary Morrow, Bill Mollison, David Holmgren, permaculture climate change, permaculture critique, permaculture critical reviewComment
Transcript: ALOK on Unruly Beauty /245 TranscriptsErica EkremAugust 4, 2021Alok, Alok V Menon book, Alok V Menon quotes, Alok V Menon instagram, Alok V Menon poetry, Alok V Menon beyond the gender binary, gender binary system, gender binary articles, gender binary and capitalism, gender binary and colonialism, what is a gender binary, feminism postcolonialism, transgender Indigenous, Femme in Public, Beyond the Gender Binary, spiritual crisis, spiritual crisis and psychosis, spiritual awakening crisis, environmental justice, LGBTQ issues, LGBTQ environmental justice, LGBTQ environmental organizations, transcestors, gender fluidity, gender fluid and non binary, non binary celebrities, non binary artComment
Transcript: PRENTIS HEMPHILL on Choosing Belonging /244 TranscriptsErica EkremJuly 28, 2021Prentis Hemphill, Prentis Hemphill boundaries, Prentis Hemphill podcast, Prentis Hemphill Embodiment Institute, Prentis Hemphill Finding Our Way, Prentis Hemphill Generative Somatics, Prentis Hemphill Letting Go of Innocence, the Embodiment Institute, Embodiment Studies, Embodiment practices, Embodiment research, generative somatics centering, generative somatics and healing, somatics therapy, embodiment therapyComment
Transcript: Dr. MICHAEL LUJAN BEVACQUA on Guåhan’s Sovereignty Amidst Climate Change /243 TranscriptsErica EkremJuly 21, 2021Dr. Michael Lujan Bevacqua, Michael Lujan Bevacqua, Guam, Guam population, Guam language, militarization of Guam, Guam sovereignty, is Guam a sovereign nation, Guåhan sustainable culture, colonization pacific island, pacific colonization, colonialism in pacific, what country colonized the pacific islands, us military Asia pacific strategy, pacific military bases, military Asia pacific, military base pacific ocean, Militarization and Resistance from Guåhan: Protecting and Defending Pågat, Chamorro Studies Program, University of Guam, Independent Guåhan, Independent Guahan, The Guam Bus, extractive tourism, military tourism, military bases tourism, Chamorro language, Chamorro decolonization, decolonization GuamComment
Transcript: STEFANIE BRENDL on Being Humbled by Sharks /242 TranscriptsErica EkremJuly 14, 2021Stefanie Brendl, Stefanie Brendl Shark Allies, Shark Allies campaign, shark extinction facts, shark extinction movie, shark extinction rate, shark extinction article, global shark fin trade, global shark, coastal sharks supply the global trade, what is the shark fin trade, shark fin soup, shark squalene in cosmetics, shark squalene products, shark squalene supplement, is squalene harmful, squalene shark liver oil australia, squalene vaccine, podcast on sharks, globalization and oceans, a sharks habitat, sharks life cycle, sharks body parts, sharks endangered species, shark endangered facts, shark endangered reasons, shark endangered effectsComment