Transcript: The Year Ahead (2025)

Ayana Young Hello For The Wild community, it's Ayana. I am speaking to you from a chilly, blustery evening in the sub Arctic. You may hear BeauBeau cuddling near me and the fire crackling along. And as we enter 2025, I wanted to send a deep thank you to all of you who have followed along for this incredible decade long journey that has been For The Wild.

This year, we dove deep into what it means to create sustainable, thoughtful content that seems to encourage attention and foster our abilities to sit with vital issues, rather than to distract. This year, especially the future of independent media and critical, thought-provoking content seems uncertain. In times like these, the for the wild team is even more dedicated to providing our listeners with meaningful listening experiences and media that embraces slow, deep learning. We are only able to do this with your generous support. Our Patreon support has been what's kept us going through the year, and we are so grateful to everyone who has contributed to us there. If you haven't already, this is a great time of the year to join our Patreon community where you can get access to our extended episodes, special updates and our zine library. You can support our patreon at, and can donate to us directly at We absolutely need your support to continue making the content you have come to know and love.

Reflecting on this past year, I am so grateful to the For The Wild team and to the time we have had together to create content that we are so thrilled to share with you. This past year has allowed us the time and space to focus on our slow media approach. And as part of this, we just released our second Slow Study with Bayo Akomalafe and The Emergence Network. You can purchase this incredible course at For a sneak peek of the Slow Study, join us on Patreon. We have more zines and sneak peeks of content coming soon.

And additionally, we have used this past year to record some incredibly exciting content that we'll be sharing with you very soon. This includes a series that deep dives into books with some of our favorite authors and guests including adrienne maree brown, Trisha Hersey and more. And a very special series recorded in person with Sophie strand and Perdita Finn.

Thanks so much for spending the time with me and for continuing to tune into For The Wild throughout the years. I'm sending you all so much love for our entire team, and I am now going to get back to cuddling with BeauBeau and sitting next to the crackling fire on this cold, cold evening. Okay, y'all, thanks so much and stay tuned.

Jackson Kroopf Thank you for listening to this announcement from For The Wild. The music from this episode is called “Interconnectednesses…” from the album, Subtle Movements by Surya Botofasina, Nate Mercereau, and Carlos Niño courtesy of Leaving Records. For The Wild is made by Ayana Young, Erica Ekrem, Julia Jackson and Jackson Kroopf. Thanks for listening.