Transcript: KURT RUSSO on the People Under the Sea [ENCORE] /345 TranscriptsErica EkremAugust 23, 2023Encore, Miami Seaquarium, Kurt Russo, Tokitae, Sea World, captivity, Southern Resident Orcas, Snake River Dams, Pacific Northwest, Sacred Sea, mother Orca, Tahlequah, tour of grief, Lummi Nation, Salish Sea, endangered marine species, marine ecology, biodiversity loss, marine mammal detention, critical species loss, qwe 'lhol mechen, Trans Mountain Pipeline, Sk'aliCh'elh-tenautComment
Transcript: NALINI NADKARNI on Discovering Forest Canopy Microcosms /215 TranscriptsErica EkremDecember 30, 2020canopy research, climbing trees, Costa Rica, Papua New Guinea, Amazon, Pacific Northwest, Big Canopy Database, forest ecosystem, collecting mosses, upper layer canopy, canopy animals, canopy plantsComment