FOR THE WILD on Slow Media

Ayana Young  Hey For The Wild community, Ayana here. I'm dropping in to share some exciting updates about For The Wild. 

As a collective, the For The Wild team has felt the uncertainty, difficulty and intensity of this moment. Amidst the seemingly constant information overload of these times, we felt the pull of society towards trends, constant consumption and quick fix solutions. We feel the need to answer the call of these times in a different way. Feeling into the need for slow, emotionally grounded, and resonant content. We are excited to launch our Slow Media Approach. 

Overconsumption has infiltrated our minds. From material goods to media, our lives are overrun by excess within this capitalist and extractive system. We want to offer a challenge to this system through content that encourages people to slow down, sit with the Earth and each other and stay with the trouble. 

We're calling in slow media. 

With this, we'll be embracing content that is deeply rooted, resourced, rather than reactionary and that offers perspectives based on lived, tangible experiences. Society is moving at an inhuman and inhumane pace right now. Rather than submitting to a culture of constant productivity, we're focusing on moving at the Earth's pace, or answering to nature, spirit and community, not to the clock. 

We deeply care for your time and attention and aim to create media that is deserving of your attention. We'll be pausing weekly episodes to fully embody this slow media approach. The past 10 years of interviews have shown us how media should be slow, rooted and steadying. And this shift to slow media will honor all that we have learned from years of beautiful conversations. 

Over the next few months, we will be dedicating our time and energy to projects close to our hearts. We're diving deep into analog. And we'll be bringing you print, film, long form media, deeply-focused podcast series, and in person events that will center community and connection. There is so much life and energy behind these projects right now and we are so excited to begin sharing them with you. We hope they will resonate with you as deeply as they have resonated with our team. Stay tuned to our socials, newsletter, website and podcast feed for updates and announcements. 

In this tectonic change in our approach to media making, we need our community of support more than ever to make it happen. Now feels like a crucial time to bring that community together in a meaningful way and tell stories that will reach an even larger audience. We want to tell stories that crack us open, bring us together, and gesture towards new worlds. 

As we make this transition, we need your support. Listener support is our main source of funding and our radical grassroots approach needs resourcing now more than ever. In supporting us through this journey, you are not only supporting our dedicated team of creatives working away on books, records, events and longer form projects but we are also supporting this slow media ethos. To keep For The Wild and our work going please consider making a one time donation or by joining us on 

Throughout this transfigurative journey, we would love to hear from you. If you'd like to support, have ideas about sponsorships, partnerships or funding, or want to know more about what we're doing, you can also reach out to us at Also be sure to sign up for our newsletter on our website at Thank you so much for your dedication to For The Wild. We invite you to join us on this journey towards media that matters. It is audience support, provocation, and dedication that has kept us going and has led us to follow the call towards slow media.

Sending you all love from and the whole team. Thank you for journeying with us.

Jackson Kroopf  Thank you for listening to this episode of For The Wild. The music featured in this episode is Angels Landing by Noah Klein from their release Zion on Moon Glyph. For The Wild is created by Ayana Young, Erica Ekrem, Julia Jackson, and Jackson Kroopf.