Deeply Rooted: And God is the Water with LYLA JUNE /176
Photo of Rio Grande Gorge by JC Falcon
Deeply Rooted is a new offering devoted to inviting relief, balance and abundance into our lives during these uncertain times. We've brought together some amazing folks who we feel are wise stewards of Earth, spirit, community and bodily wisdom who will share a variety of grounding practices and coping tools to lend support during this unprecedented time where it can be easy to feel overwhelmed.
Lyla June gifts us with a poem that rides with the rushing current of Creation and beckons us to wade into the ever-moving stream of life. Allow Lyla’s poem to wash over you, to uplift your capacity to find strength, forgiveness and connection in times of adversity. May Lyla’s testament to the ancient power of water and geologic time invite deep healing and love into your life.
“Even if we fail, or even if we aren’t perfect in our fight, the fact that we tried, the fact that we seek a way to fight, and that we sought Creator, we sought love, we sought healing; that is a victory in and of itself.”
Lyla June
Lyla June is a Diné and Cheyenne poet, educator, musician and community organizer. She is from Taos, New Mexico and currently lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She wears many hats and yet her core purpose is the same regardless of the method: to help and serve.
You can follow Lyla on Instagram @lylajune and by visiting her website You can hear her music on Soundcloud and Youtube.
♫ Theme music by Pura Fe & Lyla June
The poem “And God Is The Water” was written and performed by Lyla June.
Deeply Rooted: Grounding Practices to Weather the Winds of Uncertainty
Follow more of our Deeply Rooted releases to find solace and awaken inspiration through guided meditations, poetry and prose readings, questions for deep inquiry, story-telling, musical performances and more. May these offerings nourish your inner sanctuary and foster resilience, empowerment and liberation.