Posts tagged AI
ANTONIO LÓPEZ on the Colonization of Our Attention /261

Lopez begins with the material dimensions of our digital footprint, then moves into a deeper conversation around media and tech monopolies, desensitization in media, sensory stimulation, and the correlation between fake news, climate denial, white nationalism, and petro-masculinity.

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JACKIE WANG on Carceral Capitalism /189

Explore the pervasiveness of debt, our temporal and spatial understandings of prisons, and the technological dimensions of surveillance and incarceration. We ask how we can resist the accession of predictive policing and what can digital carceral infrastructure reveal about the state’s growing surveillance apparatus?

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KENRIC McDOWELL on Designing with Cosmo-Ecological Intelligence /164

Our conversation with Kenric covers topics like relationality, more-than-human intelligence, the trappings of consumerism and personal agency, while also being pushed to delve into realms of discussion we visit less often, like artificial intelligence, technology, design and interspecies connection.

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