For The Wild is a progressive media organization and nonprofit that emerged in 2014 from a deep sense of discomfort with the status quo and the yearning to both find what existed outside of dominant culture and consumer conditioning. For The Wild’s founder felt called to take a vow of commitment to the more-than-human world and this work is an extension of that calling.

The podcast was For The Wild’s first project and remains the heart of the organization as a powerful platform for critical discourse and coalition-building among accomplices committed to co-liberation, wilderness conservation, Indigenous sovereignty, ecological renewal and social justice. We seek to bridge the gap between academic research and practical solutions and make Earth renewal accessible by joining in conversation with grassroots activists, organizers, theologians, artists, land defenders and scientists who are often siloed in their respective fields and communities. 

We’re continuing to learn alongside our audience while navigating the complexities and systemic injustices we face, as we walk together through the Anthropocene. Above anything else, we seek to disperse messages that will fervently feed our generation’s desire to break the cycle of exploitation that has brought us to the precipice of humanity’s existence. 

Our program is syndicated through the Pacifica Network and the National Federation of Community Broadcasters and is additionally aired by independent radio stations throughout places in New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, the United States and more.

For The Wild is a female-led collective composed of a small group of dedicated creators, alchemists, and forever-learners who are committed to land-based restoration, social reconciliation, storytelling, responsibility, and education.

Our work is built on relationships as we attempt to combat the rampant loneliness, divisiveness and emptiness pervasive in a consumer culture. We believe that people coming together and nurturing the interconnectedness with the Earth that humans need to thrive can not only build community but also may be one of the only ways forward to address some of the critical issues we are currently facing. 

For The Wild has engaged in land-based restoration directed at renewing and preserving ecosystems from the Redwoods to the Copper River Delta in Alaska. We are open to collaborations in the name of Earth defense and Indigenous sovereignty, if you are looking for support in the fields of media, education and land-based restoration campaigns, please contact us.

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