The Oracles

We invite you to encounter the glaciers, the shoal, the old-growth forest, the cave, the moraine, the clear-cut as oracle - perhaps you let the oracle flow in a linear way, perhaps you divine and choose the phenomena of the earth that is calling you towards them and then see where the journey seeks to take you next. Perhaps you choose one today and a different one tomorrow - this is a practice we ask you to take time with and to let these images divine you. 

We invite you to rest your eyes if you are engaging visually in-between witnessing and let the images and sounds digest before choosing the next oracle.


Incorporation Practice
In your own way, give thanks for the water who kept watch with you. We invite you to offer a small vow to the water for how you will honor the spirit and integrity of water in the place you call home. We invite you to either offer the water blessing to the land where you are or imagine your body as an extension of the land where you call home and drink the water as an offering to re-belonging your body to the body of the earth.