Sliding scale registration

Your participation makes For The Wild programming possible.

We are currently 100% listener supported with majority of our listening content available to the public for free. We invite you to offer what you can. The more that you can give, the more we can create. Every dollar helps us continue forward.

Choose from the sliding scale tiers below:

Student Tier: Student Earthly Reads Book Study
One time
For 2 months

I am currently enrolled as a student and can afford to pay $20 per Live Gathering and for the accompanying materials which includes a collection of carefully and lovingly curated evergreen content that I can download to my desktop for lifetime learning access

Tier 1: Earthly Reads Book Study
One time
For 2 months

I can help make this study possible and afford to pay $45 per Live Gathering and for the accompanying materials which includes a collection of carefully and lovingly curated evergreen content that I can download to my desktop for lifetime learning access.

Tier II: Earthly Reads Book Study
One time
For 2 months

I can give a little extra to uplift For The Wild's future slow studies and pay $62 per Live Gathering and for the accompanying materials which includes a collection of carefully and lovingly curated evergreen content that I can download to my desktop for lifetime learning access.

Tier III: Earthly Reads Book Study
One time
For 2 months

I can amplify For The Wild slow media projects and offer $78 per Live Gathering and for the accompanying materials which includes a collection of carefully and lovingly curated evergreen content that I can download to my desktop for lifetime learning access.