Posts in Radical Imagination
RUTH ŁCHAV'AYA K'ISEN MILLER on Relations of Reciprocity [ENCORE] /283

Ruth shares how tending to the future must center Indigenous values and lifeways and shares the ways in which a just transition can be understood as a cyclical movement inspired by kinship, care, and reciprocity

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WOMAN STANDS SHINING (Pat McCabe) on Humanity's Homecoming [ENCORE] /282

Woman Stands Shining coalesces topics of Indigenous sovereignty, land back, how gender and consent behave in different paradigms, and the vital importance of moving out of modernity’s obsession with intellectualism.

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PRENTIS HEMPHILL on Choosing Belonging [ENCORE] /281

In recognition of the tremendous intricacies of our experiences when it comes to our collective histories, forced severances, and the manipulation of trauma in our society, Prentis shares how embodiment is a resource that allows us to connect with the Earth, recognize grief as an entry point, and shape the impossible into possible.

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ELLA NOAH BANCROFT on the Intelligence of Our Intimacy [ENCORE] /276

Ella traces the powerful connection between our ability to go against mainstream capitalist ways of being and our capacity for deep connection with ourselves and each other. We interrogate how much of identity is our truth, and how much of it is the echoing trends of dominant culture.

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BRONTË VELEZ on the Necessity of Beauty, Part 2 [ENCORE] /274

brontë and Ayana explore topics including appropriating propaganda and memetics, reorienting ourselves away from the spectacle of terror, tending to erotic energy and sensual spaces, and the nuances around beauty and aesthetics in dominant culture.

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BRONTË VELEZ on the Pleasurable Surrender of White Supremacy, Part 1 [ENCORE]/273

Ayana and brontë delve into topics surrounding authentic expression, the distortion of feminine and masculine powers, beauty and aesthetics, queerness, dominatrix energy, and power as agency.

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MICHAEL MEADE on Cultivating Mythic Imagination [ENCORE] /270

Michael discusses the power of creative imagination and the promise of youth, the danger of hyper-individualism, pretentious heroism, and obsession with newness, and offers us guiding threads to answers awaiting in our own ancient consciousness.

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DONNA HARAWAY on Staying with the Trouble [ENCORE] /269

Donna invites us to wander in the colorful worlds of science fiction, play with story, and dig through the compost pile, offering up powerful tools and practices needed for humans and nonhumans alike to “live and die well together” on Earth.

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TRICIA HERSEY on Rest as Resistance [ENCORE] /267

With a historical analysis of slavery and plantation labor, Tricia Hersey of Nap Ministry prompts us, at this critical time, to consider what is stolen from those among us who cannot rest under white supremacy and capitalism.

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CHIARA FRANCESCA on Embodied Care /266

We explore the emotional experience behind acupuncture, how a disability justice framework shapes Chiara’s work, the connection between Earth and bodily experienced trauma, and how to create a conducive environment for embodiment.

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SHA’MIRA COVINGTON on Healing the Fashion Industrial Complex /265

Sha’Mira shares that the fashion industrial complex cannot simply be discussed in terms of environmental impact alone, it must be acknowledged as a loud echo of colonial conquest; not just in terms of extraction of labor and resources, or the outsourcing of pollutants and illness, but also in terms of culture and appropriation.

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BATHSHEBA DEMUTH on a More-Than-Human History /264

Bathsheba joins us to consider a future outside of apocalyptic visions, rooted in the understanding that the shape of the world today is neither permanent nor pre-destined.

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MARCELLA KROLL on the Magic of Neurodiverse Futurisms /263

Amidst a modern culture that has proven itself committed to a way of thinking that is ultimately detrimental to our collective wellbeing, Marcella reminds us of magic’s place in this world as a powerful instrument that will allow us to transition and feel into our next iteration of existence.

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NIRIA ALICIA on Pockets of Joy in the Resistance /260

Niria Alicia guides us to think about ancestral instruction, precious purpose, rituals for liberation, and what it means to be human in this time. This warm and rich conversation looks at spiritual crisis in tandem with climate crisis, the allure of self-sabotage, and the problem with the many “solutions” we are offered …

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Dr. RUPA MARYA and RAJ PATEL on Deep Medicine /259

Dr. Rupa Marya and Raj Patel discuss the biological impacts of oppressive social structures. We are left with the resounding reminder that inflammation is an indicator that we must change our collective ways in order to heal …

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RUTH ŁCHAV'AYA K'ISEN MILLER on Relations of Reciprocity /252

Ruth shares how tending to the future must center Indigenous values and lifeways and shares the ways in which a just transition can be understood as a cyclical movement inspired by kinship, care, and reciprocity

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WOMAN STANDS SHINING (Pat McCabe) on Humanity's Homecoming /251

Woman Stands Shining coalesces topics of Indigenous sovereignty, land back, how gender and consent behave in different paradigms, and the vital importance of moving out of modernity’s obsession with intellectualism.

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LIL MILAGRO HENRIQUEZ-CORNEJO on Climate Resilience Rooted in Ancestry /249

Lil Milagro highlights the absurdity that dominant education is not meant to equip young people with the kind of basic skills that would allow them to feel empowered about the future we are all aging into and discuss the importance of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics rooted in ancestral knowledge.

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ALOK on Unruly Beauty /245

ALOK shares how challenging the gender binary is not only in service to our collective wellbeing but is a reverential offering in acknowledging our true celestial expansiveness that has been dimmed under binarism, heteronormativity, and colonialism.

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PRENTIS HEMPHILL on Choosing Belonging /244

In recognition of the tremendous intricacies of our experiences when it comes to our collective histories, forced severances, and the manipulation of trauma in our society, Prentis shares how embodiment is a resource that allows us to connect with the Earth, recognize grief as an entry point, and shape the impossible into possible.

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